Fightie’s Knowledge Base

How to check online dashboard?

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After you sync all your histories data to the cloud, you can click on another button to navigate to the online dashboard.
For better user experiences, it would be better to use your laptop to access the dashboard, so here comes another way to access it directly :

Step 2 - login into the dashboard

Please use the same email/password or Apple Id to login, otherwise the system would recognize you as another user!
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After you login successfully, you will see your own dashboard with all the data that you sync-ed before. (If you have no data here, please open Fightie and click the Sync button to sync data first!)
And as you can see, all your history data are listed down in the yearly-calendar, so you can just click on any date and check your training result :) like this ↓
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The last note, the exercise page itself is public and only you know the URL! If you want, you can even share the URL to your friends and let them know how much weight you lifted! :D
Get excited? go give it a try and share your workout with your friend 💪
If you need more help, you can try to DM our official Twitter account @fightieapp or drop a mail to and we’ll try to solve your problems as soon as possible!

Fightie is made with ❤️ by Ryu